Our Patrons
Pregnant women
Chiropractic care through pregnancy is safe and beneficial and, as a family run firm, Harrow Chiropractic is dedicated to helping all families achieve a comfortable pregnancy process.
Nerve irritations occur as a part of normal daily life. They may result from physical, chemical and emotional stressors or compromises to our health, such as bad posture, prolonged postures, sleeping on our stomachs, knocks and falls, poor food choices, dehydration, exposure to chemicals and toxins, and stress and anxiety.
A fast-paced London job can expose us to significant amounts of emotional stress and prolonged sitting (physical stress), allowing nerve interference to develop over time.
We work to correct and detect nerve interference, enhancing your body’s adaptability and helping you to function at your best even during times of emotional or work stress.
Many older adults find that chiropractic care enhances their quality of life, choosing wellness chiropractic as a lifestyle choice for lifelong care. Chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce spinal or back tension, with many of our patrons reporting increased mobility, range of movement and better sleep patterns. These benefits may even result in improved coordination and help with degenerative conditions.
Many of our elder patrons have experienced degenerative spinal changes over the years: chiropractic care therefore is of utmost importance to ensure that this does not have an impact on quality of life. Spinal degeneration can have many effects on the body and chiropractic is the only healthcare profession that focusses on the spine and nervous system. Through safe and gentle chiropractic adjustments, the spine may regain some alignment and mobility, helping to reverse some degenerative changes and leading to an improvement in many symptoms.
A study published in Topics in Clinical Chiropractic (1996) reported that geriatric chiropractic patrons were less likely to have been hospitalised, less likely to have used a nursing home, more likely to report a better health status and more likely to exercise vigorously and be mobile within the community.
When caring for elder patrons, we take their needs in to consideration and apply our techniques accordingly: chiropractic care is safe for people with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoidal arthritis, hip pain (replacements) and other joint pain.
Chiropractic care helps to keep athletes in top shape, not only aiding them post injury, but also enabling them to perform to their peak ability and enjoy faster recovery.
Chiropractic can help to improve posture, range of movement and flexibility. Chiropractic is about whole body wellness; when you are not functioning at your best, you are unable to perform at your best and risk a greater likelihood of injury.
Chiropractic aims to help you to function and perform at your very best, decreasing the chances of time off from your chosen activity or sport. Signs and symptoms do not always appear until too late: chiropractic addresses the root cause rather than masking the symptoms, aiming to prevent injury rather than treat it. Care then involves specific adjustments to the spine, enabling the body to self-heal and self-regulate for the athlete be able to perform at optimal capacity.
We know that employees who focus on their lifestyle and make choices congruent with their goals are more productive, have increased energy, and are results driven.
In a recent survey of our chiropractic patrons, 78% said they have experienced increased energy, 65% have noticed improvements with sleep and 100% of patrons who presented with headaches reported experiencing improvements.
Improved energy and sleep alongside decreased pain from headaches can result in greater clarity and concentration, leading to enhanced success in the workplace.
Wellness in the workplace
The Chartered Institute of Personal Development reported that absenteeism has cost UK companies £673 per employee per year. Musculoskeletal injuries, back pain and stress appear in the top 5 most common causes for short and long term absence and are key contributors to cost.
As well as caring for individual professionals, we also offer Wellness in the Workplace workshops, which help to motivate your team to focus on Eating, Moving and Thinking well, creating a happier, healthier and more productive work environment. Read more